Posts tagged David
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The Bible is a collection of the most fascinating books ever put together. It is filled with drama, action, adventure, romance, mystery, horror, history, poetry, comedy and more. There are many riveting stories to read. We will explore the life of an obscure character named Ahithophel, who was a close friend of King David. Ahithophel had something lurking in the deep recesses of his heart that hindered him from living a fulfilled and successful life.

Ahithophel’s life will teach us the danger of harboring the pain of our past and the importance of experiencing release and freedom. Bitterness begins with a trespass committed to us or because of unfulfilled expectations we have placed on others. Hurts can gradually grow into anger, then into resentment, then to unforgiveness, then into bitterness, then into hatred, which can cause retaliation and finally result in violence.

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