Posts tagged Faith vs Science
Faith vs Science

Many voices today say that science and Christianity are opposed to each other. Some atheists claim that science has debunked religion and many in the general public think that the church is anti-science. And within the church, science is often portrayed as either incompatible with faithor challenging important Christian beliefs.
In Christian belief, God reveals Himself in both the written book of the Bible and the created “book” of the natural world. 
Because of the consistent character of God, these two cannot conflict. While sincere Christians differ on their views of the age of the earth and evolution, we all agree on the essentials of the faith: all people have sinned and salvation comes only through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 
We agree that the God of our salvation is the same God we see in the wonders of His creation. He constantly woos us through what He has made and says, “I exist and I want you to know me!"

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