Posts tagged Family
A Family on Mission

Psalm 128 is a poetic passage that outlines the impact an individual, married couple, child, family and church can have if they choose to take God seriously and live on mission. The passage is a progressive journey through the function of the family and how working together as a family can influence our society and world.

There are many challenges facing marriage and parenting. There are internal pains and external pressures that are affecting how we do life. This Sunday we want to explore how an individual who takes God seriously can impact their family and how their families can impact our world.

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This is the Gospel

When someone says, I have some good news and bad news to share with you, which do you prefer to hear first? Studies have shown that most people prefer to hear the bad news first, then the good news because it will leave them with a positive attitude. The young church in Colossae became the target of heretical attacks. Epaphras (a leader of the church) traveled to Rome to update Paul, who was in prison, about the condition of the church. In response, Paul wrote a letter of encouragement providing them with an understanding of the gospel. 
So what is the gospel? How is the gospel to impact our lives, churches, communities and the world? Very often we view the gospel as a set of imperatives when it is really a narrative of God’s story of good news for humanity found in the person of Jesus. Humanity has experienced the bad news of fear, isolation and hopelessness. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, God has announced the good news of His provision of forgiveness—a family and a future. 

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Labels Lie

The identity that you embrace determines your freedom position. Stop believing the negative labels and start living as God’s beloved. Who are you? It is an important question to ask ourselves and how we answer that question determines whether we are living a free life or not.

Many people have their identity defined by a negative label. We see ourselves as failures and mistakes. We let a bad decision, a negative circumstance or someone else define who we are. Others let work titles or accomplishments define their identity. We package up all of our successes and never show any weakness. We become what the world wants us to be. Some wear religious labels and proclaim their great holiness only to follow in the footsteps of the Pharisees.

The identity that you embrace determines your freedom position. Stop believing the negative labels and start living as God’s beloved. Who are you? It is an important question to ask ourselves and how we answer that question determines whether we are living a free life or not.

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