Posts tagged Work Life Balance
Relationships That Reward

God created us as relational beings designed to empower, encourage and enhance others. Very often, we struggle in our key relationships, which results in painful emotional turmoil. In Colossians 3:18–25, Paul addresses three key relationships that we all are involved in at some point of our lives. We can find ourselves in at least one of these three: marriage, parenting, and/or employment.
Paul proposes a solution as to how to create and maintain healthy relationships. He presents Christ as our model, communication as our method and charity as our means and motive.

My prayer is that Jesus would be our example as we interact with others in love through our actions, attitude and words. 

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Vocational Health

Do you dread Monday mornings? Do you constantly hit the snooze button to avoid getting up for work? Very often when I ask someone about their job, they reply with hesitation, discontentment or frustration. According to a Gallup poll, 85% of workers worldwide admit to hating their jobs when surveyed anonymously. In Canada, 47% of employees aren’t happy with their jobs. 
Their discontentment may stem from having a difficult boss, uncooperative co-workers, not enough pay, a challenging work environment, a lack of fulfilment and a host of many other reasons. An average person may work in 8-10 jobs within 2-3 different careers in their lifetime. 
Why is there such high turnover? It may have to do with our vocational health. Chronic stress, burnout, feeling overworked, no time with the family, and no rest affects our overall health. Vocational health means experiencing our work as a follower of Jesus with a healthy balance between home life and work life. Being healthy does not mean our current job is the best or only thing God wants us to do, or that we love 100% of everything we do in our job, or even experience “success” or financial reward. 

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