When God Seems To Fail Us
Have you ever felt that God has failed you? Have you experienced adversity that overwhelmed you and did not end as you expected?
Adversity visits all of us from time to time. Adversity is universal, impartial, painful, appears suddenly at times, and is often beyond our control. Unfortunately, followers of Jesus often think they are immune toadversity because they come to church, pray, or read the Bible. In order to stay afloat in the oceans of adversity, we must have resolute faith (trust) in God. When facing adversity, faith allows us to see who God is, see our identity as God’s children, and see our present adversity in the light of eternity. Trusting God does not mean that everything will work out to our desired outcome and it may seem that God has failed us; however, our hope that one day God will put everything right through resurrection in the new creation, gives us hope.
March 25, 2018