3 Reasons Why Uncertainty Is Good For You
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a lot of uncertainty, and it feels like we are living in unprecedented times and in uncharted territory. We’ve had to cope with restrictions and are forced to adapt to new ways of doing things. We have no idea when life will return to normal, if at all. We long for the day to dine at a restaurant, attend a sporting event, visit friends, or participate in a church service. But we also know that these things that we did in the past will look different in the future. How or when, is anyone’s guess.
From the beginning of time, uncertainty has been part of the human experience and development. How we handle uncertainty will determine how well we do in life. How do you feel about change and uncertainty?
Do you struggle with the fear of the unknown? Do you feel uneasy about your future? Are you reluctant to try new things because of the fear of failure?
I’m sure the answer to these questions for some of us is YES!
While uncertainty is usually viewed as a negative thing, I would like to highlight the necessity of uncertainty. We all desire to live with certainty and have an assurance that tomorrow will be a better day. But we also need uncertainty in order to grow and mature.
Here are three ways uncertainty makes our lives better.
1.Uncertainty causes us to search for certainty. When we are uncertain about something, we seek security in something reliable, consistent and unchangeable. Uncertainty is a feeling that can provoke us to search for something beyond ourselves. God is often discovered at the end of this search, and only he can provide us with true reliability and stability. He promises us that he is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8). The immutability of God is an attribute that God’s character, will, covenant and promises are unchanging. God declares, “For I, the Lord, do not change” (Mal. 3:6).
Some circumstances in life that produce uncertainty are unbearable. Losing your job, having your business file for bankruptcy, being isolated in an abusive home or not having enough money to pay rent make it difficult for us to see any good from experiencing uncertainty. However, when we face unbearable pain and unlivable scenarios, we can turn to trust a faithful God who is working everything out for our ultimate good.
God is the best person to trust in times of uncertainty and threatening circumstances. He always fulfills his promises, and his presence never leaves us. If you are troubled, doubtful, fearful or anxious —surrender and trust God. Trust is a deep confidence in someone because of their reliability and consistency. Trustworthiness is inherent in the object we are trusting in. And the object of our trust is a person, not a proposition. We do not put our trust or faith in an idea, a doctrine or a system or set of values. We trust and surrender our lives in total confidence to a personal God —one who always hears our prayers and responds to our cries.
King George VI of England addressed his citizens during a Christmas Day broadcast in 1939 with a message of assurance to a nation at war. There was a lot of uncertainty about their future. He quoted part of a poem written by British poet Minnie Louise Haskins titled, The Gate of the Year. It read:
And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year:
“Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.”
And he replied:
“Go out into the darkness and put your hand in the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.”
Would you rather walk in the light alone or walk in the dark holding the hand of God? There is no better person to trust in times of difficulty than Jesus.
2.Uncertainty creates excitement. Excitement?! Even though uncertainty fosters fear, embracing the unknown infuses us with enthusiasm and anticipation for an adventure in the unexpected. Without uncertainty, we can become accustomed to mundane routines where boredom creeps in. Boredom is both good and bad for us. Boredom causes us to settle for what we have now, deviate from our goals and aspirations and drift away from people close to us. The dark side of boredom can sometimes trigger people to turn to unhealthy behaviours and addictions in order to escape. Uncertainty, when embraced in a healthy way, injects excitement and a jolt of adrenaline that is necessary to drive off complacency.
The excitement derived from uncertainty can also increase innovation and creativity. By abandoning what we are used to, we can find new ways of doing old things that will help increase efficiency and create growth. Creative new methods, models and mindsets are developed through uncertainty.
Life is an adventure, and uncertainty is the seed that germinates into an adventure. In the Bible, we read countless stories where God’s people experienced a level of uncertainty that moved them into an adventure of faith and purpose. For example, Elijah hid from king Ahab near the brook Cherith, where he drank water from the brook and received food from ravens (1 Kings 17). One day, the brook dried and Elijah was in trouble. His place of comfort became a place of uncertainty. Where was he going to find food and water? God instructed him to move and gave him direction. From that moment, a new adventure began that ultimately led to the epic encounter with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18:16-45). What new adventures will begin for you through your uncertainties?
A few years ago, I made a significant transition in my life. At the time I had no job, no home, no car and very little money. I was essentially restarting my life from scratch. While I had a lot of apprehensions about my future, the uncertainty of the unknown created a level of excitement and adventure. I vividly remember kneeling, praying and entrusting my life into God’s hands. I wrote in my journal, “The journey begins and God you are in control. Help me to honour you and serve you!” With those words, a new adventure began and still continues. Looking back, I am grateful for those moments of uncertainty that propelled me to something new.
Don’t let your uncertainty morph into anxiety. Will you allow your uncertainties to become a new adventure? The lyrics to Steven Curtis Chapman’s song, The Great Adventure, illustrates my point.
Saddle up your horses
We’ve got a trail to blaze
Through the wild blue yonder of God’s Amazing grace
Let’s follow our leader into the Glorious unknown
This is the life like no other
This is the great adventure.
And discover all the new horizons
Just waiting to be explored
This is what we were created for.
Are you excited to discover the new horizons, experience your wildest dreams, and blaze a trail to the glorious unknown? If so, let uncertainty light a fire within you.
3.Uncertainty develops humility. Our past successes, wealth, education, or whatever else we find security in, can cause us to become self-reliant or proud. Past achievements are neither an indicator nor a guarantee of future success. What got us to this point in life may not take us to our desired expectations. We are mortal, frail and prone to mistakes. Have you ever thought that you have your business, your parenting, your marriage, or your faith all figure out? Scripture alerts us that “whoever thinks they are standing securely should watch out so they don’t fall” (1 Cor 10:12). Uncertainty strips us of our self-made securities. Humility allows us to admit that we just don’t know. It is perfectly fine to say, “I don’t know. I don’t have an answer.”
Humility does not go unnoticed by God. God shows favour or grace to the humble but opposes the proud (James 4:6). He also promises that those who humble themselves before the Lord will be exalted (James 4:10; Luke 14:11).
In his book, Good to Great, Jim Collins states that humility is one of two common traits of CEOs that transitioned their companies from average to superior. Rick Warren says that “humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.” Humility puts us into a posture for learning and growth. It will not only strengthen our relationship with God, but it will also strengthen our marriage, improve our parenting, revitalize our work environments and deepen our social interactions.
We all regularly encounter uncertainty and how we respond to it will pave our path into the future.
Will you allow uncertainty to drive you to find what and who is constant in your life? Will you allow uncertainty to foster humility? Will you enable uncertainty to inject excitement to embrace life’s adventures?
God, you are faithful and good. Many things about tomorrow I don’t seem to understand. But I know who holds tomorrow because you hold my hand. Lord, no matter what the future holds, I will trust you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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