The justice of God’s kingdom should inspire us to influence public policies and legislation that create a just society. By identifying social structures that allow oppression and inequality to persist, we can rectify existing broken systems. While some actively perpetuate abuse, others may unknowingly receive privileges from unfair social structures. We have to ask ourselves sincerely, do we actively or passively commit injustice?
Read MoreWe live in a world where skin colour, language, and religion have been used as a basis for systematic discrimination and brutality. Eliminating racial prejudices in ourselves and our society is not easy and demands introspection and effort. We need to reject any racial tendencies as well as engage and educate those who propagate racial insensitivity and bigotry. God hates racial prejudice. Every human being is created in the image of God (Gen. 1:27). We diminish God and question his creation when we elevate one group of people above another. Racism is a serious sin because it produces hatred and conflict which can lead to oppression, violence and murder. It is also an attempt to thwart God’s ultimate purpose of reconciling the world to himself (2 Cor. 5:17). The Christian vocation is to serve the world as God’s representatives (image-bearers), reflecting his love to all humanity.
Read MoreThe COVID-19 pandemic has created a lot of uncertainty, and it feels like we are living in unprecedented times and in uncharted territory. We’ve had to cope with restrictions and are forced to adapt to new ways of doing things. We have no idea when life will return to normal, if at all. We long for the day to dine at a restaurant, attend a sporting event, visit friends, or participate in a church service. But we also know that these things that we did in the past will look different in the future. How or when, is anyone’s guess.
From the beginning of time, uncertainty has been part of the human experience and development. How we handle uncertainty will determine how well we do in life.
While uncertainty is usually viewed as a negative thing, I would like to highlight the necessity of uncertainty. We all desire to live with certainty and have an assurance that tomorrow will be a better day. But we also need uncertainty in order to grow and mature.
Read MoreThe Covid-19 pandemic has not only spread a virus throughout the world, it has also spread fear and uncertainty. Infection and death rates are exponentially increasing. The stock market has seen some of the largest declines in history. Economists fear that we are possibly on the verge of a Great Depression. Professional sporting events, conferences, concerts are canceled, and schools have shifted their teaching online. Travel bans and social distancing have become a part of life. Grocery stores are filled with people panic-buying. Hospitals don’t have sufficient protective gear and medical equipment to manage the influx of patients. And healthcare workers are facing exhaustion as they risk their lives to treat the sick. Over a million people and counting worldwide have been infected with the virus and tens of thousands have died.
It appears that things are getting out of control. There are a lot of questions and fewer answers. In these unprecedented times navigating through a pandemic like this is difficult for elected officials, community leaders, and parents. So, what do we do? What can we do?
Read MoreAs Christians, there is a need for acceptance by our peers, families, and, most importantly, God. In an effort to feel loved and recognized, we often rely on our own efforts to please others by our good works and acts of kindness. Christians may struggle with many doubts, such as, “Does God love me? Will I go to heaven? Am I really saved?” These doubts can propel us to seek inner peace and acceptance by God through what we do rather than allowing us to appreciate who we are in Christ. Centuries ago, a group of Christians in the Middle East sought to find a state of perfection, purity, and oneness with God. They believed that by renouncing their possessions, families, and careers (and by living a simple life in isolation), they would please God and reach a state of perfection.
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