Posts tagged Legalism
Asceticism: Are you relying on grace or performance?

As Christians, there is a need for acceptance by our peers, families, and, most importantly, God. In an effort to feel loved and recognized, we often rely on our own efforts to please others by our good works and acts of kindness. Christians may struggle with many doubts, such as, “Does God love me? Will I go to heaven? Am I really saved?” These doubts can propel us to seek inner peace and acceptance by God through what we do rather than allowing us to appreciate who we are in Christ. Centuries ago, a group of Christians in the Middle East sought to find a state of perfection, purity, and oneness with God. They believed that by renouncing their possessions, families, and careers (and by living a simple life in isolation), they would please God and reach a state of perfection.

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