Posts tagged racial reconciliation
5 Ways to Confront Racism

We live in a world where skin colour, language, and religion have been used as a basis for systematic discrimination and brutality. Eliminating racial prejudices in ourselves and our society is not easy and demands introspection and effort. We need to reject any racial tendencies as well as engage and educate those who propagate racial insensitivity and bigotry. God hates racial prejudice. Every human being is created in the image of God (Gen. 1:27). We diminish God and question his creation when we elevate one group of people above another. Racism is a serious sin because it produces hatred and conflict which can lead to oppression, violence and murder. It is also an attempt to thwart God’s ultimate purpose of reconciling the world to himself (2 Cor. 5:17). The Christian vocation is to serve the world as God’s representatives (image-bearers), reflecting his love to all humanity.

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