Inauguration Day
Today is Inauguration Day in the United States. Joe Biden will be sworn in as the new president. This peaceful transition of power has been marred in the last few weeks with the events that occurred on January 6 when protestors stormed the US capital building. I was grieved to see what happened, especially because of my personal connection to the country and the people after living and pastoring in the US for 10 years. That day caused people around the world to mourn, reflect and pause. One of the hallmarks of a democratic nation is the peaceful transition of power. There are many people in the world who do not enjoy the privilege and comfort of living in a free country. As we mark this day of transition, we must reflect on our own transitions in life. We all experience transitions. There are good ones and bad ones. There are those that are engineered by our own choices and others forced upon ourselves. There are transitions that take us forward and others backward. There are transitions that are enjoyable and others that are painful. The bottom line is that at some point in our lives we will all experience multiple transitions.