Posts tagged Devotional
Black History Month

February is Black History Month. It is a month we celebrate and acknowledge the transformative work that black communities have had and continue to have in our society. I encourage you to read the profound impact our black brothers and sisters have had as inventors, creators, leaders, and influencers. While we celebrate the incredible and indelible impact that they have had, we also need to humbly acknowledge the harm we as a society have inflicted on them. In this past year, we as a society have experienced tragic events of racial injustice and tension, and our collective society needs to support the black community who has experienced centuries of oppression and discrimination. As we educate ourselves in their history and understand their present challenges, we will be equipped with compassion and wisdom to stand with them for a better world.

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How to deal with regret

Regret can be both productive or unproductive. Regret becomes unproductive if we let it consume us by causing stress that hinders growth and maturity. Productive regret can catapult us to a bright future when we learn from our mistakes and change. Is the regret you may be struggling with productive or damaging? Regret can serve a purpose if we utilize our memory to motivate us and to learn from past mistakes.

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Does God Still Speak Today? Part 3

Are we able to discern God’s voice from our own or the enemy’s? Jesus said in John 10 that My sheep hear my voice and I know them, and they follow me. For they know his voice. A stranger they will not follow, but they will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers. –John 10:4,5,27 In part one we explore the distance that we create that hinders us from hearing God’s voice. In part 2 we looked at how distractions take our attention and focus away from God’s voice to other things. In this devotional, I would like to look at discernment. How do we recognize the voice of God? So how does God speak to us?

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Does God Still Speak Today? Part 2

Is God the loudest voice in your life? Or Are there other voices in your life, including your own-self talk distracting you? There are three things that hinder us from hearing God’s voice: they are distance, distraction, and discernment. In part one of the series, we explored how distance separates us from God’s voice. I would like to focus on distraction. Distraction is something that captures our desires more than something else... what distracts us, has our attention. So what are you distracted by? If you are a parent you know the experience of calling your child who is fixated with their laptop, video game, phone or tv show that when you call them for dinner, they don’t respond. Most often they are not intentionally ignoring you. They are just so consumed with their screen that your voice is peripheral noise. At times we do that with God too… we are so focused on what we desire to do, that God’s voice becomes secondary, peripheral noise that goes unnoticed.

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God, why have you forsaken me?

The cross embodied a supreme moment of isolation and public humiliation. The ultimate isolation was the moment when Jesus was separated from his Father. Followers of Jesus are called to this place of paradox. It is a place of difficult questions that often go unanswered and where our trust in the one who comes to us as a loving Father.

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Are you living with a label?

We all live with labels. Some of our labels are self-created and others are given by others. Labels are powerful because they can lock you into a wrong belief about yourself and lock opportunity and change out. Labels will affect the way you see yourself, God and the world. The longer you carry a label, the less it describes your past and the more it determines your future. So how has the right to label you? The one who made you and purchased you! God!

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