Posts tagged Mind
Loving God With All Your Mind

We are going to explore Jesus’ command to love God with all our minds through the lens of our knowledge, imagination, memory, and reason. These four components of our mind, if devoted to God and utilized appropriately will help us to “go all-in” with our minds. What does it mean to love God with all your mind? I think everything begins in our minds. What starts in our minds translates into our attitude and actions. What is in our minds controls what we do, how we do things, and the direction of our lives. When it comes to God let’s consider this: Everything begins in the mind. What is in the mind captures the heart. What captures the heart results in worship. What results in worship results in mission.

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Why Smart People Make Stupid Mistakes

Have you ever made a decision and then days, months or years later, you look back and say, “What was I thinking?” Was it a temporary lapse of sanity? 

Have you ever wondered why smart people make stupid decisions? Decisions we make in life take only a few minutes or even a few seconds, but can have a lasting impact on our lives. The quality of your decisions today will determine the quality of your life tomorrow.

We will explore such questions as, ‘Why do smart people make stupid mistakes?’ and ‘Can God fix our mistakes?’

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Negative Thought Patterns

Science and Faith have concluded that unhealthy thinking patterns generally contribute to mental health conditions. Negative thought patterns can play a significant role in causing and worsening depression and anxiety. It is estimated that we think 10 thoughts per second and average around 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day. That is a lot of thoughts!

Most of these thoughts are about what went wrong, what is wrong and what may possibly go wrong in the future. Our minds are consistently filled with negativity. These negative thought patterns form in our minds as strongholds and they become hard to break.

God promises that his truth is stronger than any lie. In order to destroy these negative thought patterns we are to first find them, free ourselves from them, focus on what is true and then continually feed ourselves with more truth.

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